Waking up to read this in your inbox was such a (very welcome) surprise!
"Hello Rosie, I hope this email finds you well!
Firstly, we would like to thank you on behalf of LUXlife for taking part in The Perfect Gift Awards 2022 in its inaugural year. We have seen some beautiful creations from artisans and makers the world over, setting the bar extremely high right from the offset!
Following on from your nomination this year we have now completed our research stage and finalised the results. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that GroundsForGood has been successful this year and has gone on to receive:
Best Sustainable Coffee Retailer - Wales
in The Perfect Gift Awards 2022, hosted by LUXlife!
The Perfect Gift Awards 2022 selection is made following careful assessment of any voting or nomination information, alongside any supporting evidence provided by a nominee.
Our panel also considers additional findings that our internal research team has come across in both online and in the public domain.
In order to be awarded, there must be evidence of expertise within a given field; dedication to customer/client service, satisfaction and retention; and an ongoing commitment to providing excellent work."
WOW!! Very grateful and proud x